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Interior Design (M.A.)

The M. Wilhelmina Boldt Interior Design Program offers two tracks leading to a Master of Arts in interior design. The post-professional track is for those with an accredited undergraduate degree in interior design or architecture. The first professional track is for those with a baccalaureate degree not in interior design or architecture.

The graduate program abides by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) guidelines and standards.

Upon successful completion of the interior design program, students will be able to

  • articulate a global view and integrate considerations of social, cultural, economic, and ecological contexts in their work;
  • demonstrate awareness of the role of interior designers in the design process and the value of integrated design practices and can effectively collaborate with multiple disciplines in developing design solutions;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles and processes that define the profession of interior design and the value of interior design to society;
  • apply knowledge of human experience and behavior to designing the built environment;
  • employ all aspects of the design process to creatively solve a design problem;
  • communicate effectively in both oral and written formats;
  • apply knowledge of history and theory of interiors, architecture, decorative arts, and art when solving design problems;
  • apply elements and principles of design;
  • use color effectively in communication and design work;
  • develop design solutions that integrate furnishings, products, materials, and finishes;
  • use effectively the principles of lighting, acoustics, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality in relation to environmental impact and human well-being;
  • demonstrate an understanding of interior construction and its interrelationship with base building construction and systems; and
  • formulate designs that are in compliance with laws, codes, standards, and guidelines that impact human experience of interior spaces.
Completion Requirement: Requirements for the post-professional program must be completed within five years of initial registration unless extenuating circumstances exist and an extension is authorized by the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. Requirements for the first professional program must be completed within seven years of initial registration unless extenuating circumstances exist and an extension is authorized by the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences.

Nondegree Admission: Under certain circumstances, a student may be admitted on a nondegree basis with permission of the director of the interior design graduate program. Nondegree students are limited to no more than two courses, up to six (6) credits.

Program Requirement: Students are required to have their own laptop computers once they are admitted to the graduate program.

Residency Requirement: Students pursuing the post-professional track are expected to complete a minimum of 25 of the 34 required credits at Marymount University, including ID 607, ID 608, ID 600, ID 697, ID 698 and ID 699. Students pursuing the first professional track are expected to complete a minimum of 36 credits of the 66 required credits at Marymount University, including ID 500, ID 605, ID 606, ID 607, ID 698, and ID 699.

Thesis or Design Research Project: Students in each track will complete a research thesis or an evidence-based design project. Students must present their work in a final critique or oral examination before the interior design faculty. Final projects or studies are presented in the May Interior Design Student Show.

Thesis IP grade: A student who does not complete the required work in ID 698 or ID 699 and is not eligible for an Incomplete may be given a grade of IP (in-progress). The next semester the student must register for continuation of the course in which the IP was received. If the necessary work is not completed in two semesters, the IP becomes an F. Students may register for a continuation of the course for up to two (2) times.

Transfer Credits: A maximum of six (6) semester credits of transfer graduate credit after matriculation at Marymount may be applied toward the degree, if approved by the graduate program director, the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and the registrar. Students may transfer credits for the leveling courses into the first professional program before matriculation. The program director reviews a portfolio of student work to determine placement. The department website has further information about portfolio requirements and submission.

The Post-Professional Degree Track

The post-professional degree program's mission is to educate practitioners to develop a greater capacity to engage in interior design practice, education, and research; to become more proficient in a specific area of the interior design practice; and to actively engage in evidence-based research pertaining to interior design to increase the body of knowledge in the field.

Students in this track must complete 34 graduate credits, including nine (9) credits of thesis culminating in an evidence-based design project.

Admission Requirements: Admission to the program is competitive. Completed applications must be received by the following priority deadlines:

April 15 summer semester
July 15 fall semester
November 1 spring semester

Students may attend on a full- or part-time basis. In addition to universitywide requirements for graduate admission applicants who have or will have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited interior design or architecture program prior to enrollment in the post-professional track must provide the following items to be considered for admission:

  • proof of a professional degree in interior design, or its equivalent, in the form of an official transcript of all postsecondary coursework
  • two letters of recommendation from educators or employers who can attest to the applicant’s potential for graduate work
  • if applicable, evidence of passing the examination of the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) or the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
  • a letter from the applicant, including a statement of personal goals, objectives, motivations, and intended area of concentration
  • a portfolio of student or professional design work demonstrating creative ability and professional competence, including hand drawing, sketching, and design thinking as seen in creative ideation and process work

Students with an accredited interior design or architecture degree must demonstrate completion of an equivalent series of prerequisites that assures an understanding of a common body of knowledge within the field. If a departmental review of a student’s previous coursework and/or portfolio reveals deficiencies in the common body of knowledge, the student may be required to complete additional undergraduate and/or graduate course(s). Alternatively, students with degrees in interior design or architecture who want a CIDA accredited degree may choose the first professional MA program and transfer credits into it. However, a minimum of 36 credits must be completed at Marymount University, and a portfolio of work is required for placement. The department website has information on portfolio requirements and submission.

International Students: Nonnative speakers of English should review International Applicants or TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic test score requirements. Students who hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited postsecondary institution where the language of instruction is English are exempt from this requirement.

Degree Requirements — The Post-Professional Degree Track

34 credits

ID 600Research Methods in Interior Design


ID 626Graduate Seminar


ID 607Graduate Practice Studio III


ID 608Graduate Practice Studio IV


ID 697Thesis or Design Research Proposal


ID 698Thesis or Design Research Project I


ID 699Thesis or Design Research Project II


12 credits from the following:

ID 512Furniture Design Seminar


ID 515Field Study and Advanced Rendering


ID 522Environmental Behavior Seminar


ID 524Design Methods Seminar


ID 525Health Care Design Seminar


ID 535Illumination and Acoustical Design Seminar


ID 536Technology for Interior Design Seminar


ID 538Color, Light, and Human Perception


ID 553Modern Design and Architecture Seminar


ID 554Historic Preservation Seminar


ID 558Interior Design Study Tour


ID 590Practicum


ID 595Graduate Directed Research


A maximum of six (6) credits may be chosen from other areas of the graduate curricula, including business administration, education, human resources, and humanities. Approval must be received from the student’s advisor prior to registration.

The First Professional Degree Track

The first professional degree program's mission is to educate professional interior designers to work effectively within contemporary constraints in a changing society and profession and to formulate design concepts for a better human environment.

The first professional degree track is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) guidelines and standards with these specific objectives:

  • to cultivate intellectual growth, independent learning, and competency in design practice, education, and research
  • to develop proficiency in a specific aspect of the profession of interior design
  • to advance the knowledge, skills, and techniques necessary for the competent practice of interior design
  • to create a framework of inquiry and analysis to increase the body of knowledge in the field
  • to create design solutions that meet specific client and end-user needs

Admission Requirements: Admission to the program is competitive. Completed applications must be received by the following priority deadlines:

April 15 summer semester
July 15 fall semester
November 1 spring semester

Students may attend on a full- or part-time basis. In addition to universitywide requirements for graduate admission, applicants must have or expect to earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before enrollment in the first professional graduate degree program.

To meet requirements of the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), the applicant’s transcript must show a minimum of 30 credits of liberal arts and sciences coursework in such disciplines as English composition, literature, foreign language, history, sociology, mathematics, biology, philosophy, humanities, psychology, and economics. Coursework in professional disciplines, such as business, cannot be included in this total. Applicants with fewer than 30 credits in the required coursework will be expected to make up the deficit within the first year of matriculation.

In addition, applicants to this program must provide the following items to be considered:

  • two letters of recommendation from educators or employers who can attest to the applicant’s potential for graduate work
  • a letter from the applicant, including a statement of personal goals, objectives, motivations, and intended area of concentration
  • undergraduate GPA of a 2.75 or better

International Students: Nonnative speakers of English should review International Applicants for TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic test score requirements. Students who hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited postsecondary institution where the language of instruction is English are exempt from this requirement.

Degree Requirements — The First Professional Degree Track

Undergraduate Leveling or Prerequisite Courses

18 credits

FA 201Introduction to Art History: Ancient to Medieval *



FA 202Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to Modern *



FA 300-level art history course


FA 104Color Theory *


ID 121Freehand Drafting


ID 122Sketching and Rendering for Ideas


ID 223Presentation Drawings


ID 231Textiles and Finish Materials


See the Undergraduate Catalog for course descriptions of the leveling/prerequisite courses. Students are subject to graduate student academic policies and procedures as stated in this catalog while taking the undergraduate foundation courses.

FA-300 level at history course, FA 104: Students must either take or transfer credit for these two courses during their first year at Marymount. Credit may be transferred from courses in a previous degree or from another college or university.

Graduate Courses

48 credits

ID 500Practice, Theory and Research


ID 501Graduate Studio I


ID 502Graduate Studio II


ID 532Construction and Environmental Systems


ID 533Illumination Systems


ID 534Professional Practice


ID 545Graduate Construction Documents


ID 550History of Architecture and Interiors I


ID 551History of Architecture and Interiors II


ID 605Graduate Practice Studio I


ID 606Graduate Practice Studio II


ID 607Graduate Practice Studio III



ID 698Thesis or Design Research Project I



ID 699Thesis or Design Research Project II


Six (6) credits from the following:

ID 512Furniture Design Seminar


ID 515Field Study and Advanced Rendering


ID 522Environmental Behavior Seminar


ID 524Design Methods Seminar


ID 525Health Care Design Seminar


ID 535Illumination and Acoustical Design Seminar


ID 536Technology for Interior Design Seminar


ID 538Color, Light, and Human Perception


ID 553Modern Design and Architecture Seminar


ID 554Historic Preservation Seminar


ID 558Interior Design Study Tour


ID 590Practicum


ID 595Graduate Directed Research