Undeclared Major Option 2
This should be chosen by students who are able to narrow down their choice of major to two or three possibilities, and at least one of those choices is a field that is mathematics- or science-intensive. In addition to taking Liberal Arts Core requirements, these students will take introductory mathematics and science courses. This will give students an opportunity to evaluate their aptitude in these disciplines.
Year One — Fall
EN 101 Composition I (WR core course)*
Mathematics (MT) core course*
Natural Science (NS) core course with lab*
TRS 100 Theological Inquiry (TRS-1 core course)*
DSC 101 DISCOVER First-Year Seminar*
Year One — Spring
EN 102 Composition II (WR core course)*
PH 100 Introduction to Philosophy (PH-1 core course)*
Mathematics (MT) or Natural Science (NS) core course
Introductory Social Science (SS-1) core course*
One (1) explore elective**
* Fulfills Liberal Arts Core/University Requirements. See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core and Course Descriptions for further information.
** Explore electives should be selected from courses in the subject area(s) in which the student is considering a major.