Consortium Grading and Credit
Grades for consortium courses are sent to Marymount’s registrar by the visited institution. They are recorded as Marymount University credit and calculated into the Marymount University cumulative grade point average.
Grades are recorded onto the Marymount University transcript as soon as they are received. In most cases, this will be after regular Marymount credit has been posted. In such cases, students will need to request updated transcripts.
Consortium credits are converted to Marymount University semester credits and count toward full-time/part-time status at Marymount University. If necessary, grades are converted to the nearest Marymount University equivalent.
A student may repeat a completed consortium course under the following criteria:
- A student fails the course.
- A student fails to earn the minimum grade required for his or her program and has only taken one consortium course.
In order for Marymount to replace a lower grade in a consortium course, students must repeat the same course at the same institution. A course may not be taken a third time through the consortium registration process. It can only be taken for a third time at another institution for transfer credit, and the grade will not be replaced in the GPA calculation.
See Minimum Grade and Course Repeat Policy.