Foreign Languages
Marymount offers minors in French and Spanish. Foreign language courses in French, German, and Spanish are also offered as electives. The introductory-level courses also satisfy the Global Perspective component of the University Requirements. See the Global Perspectives section under University Requirements.
The study of a foreign language is both an excellent means for understanding other people and cultures and a valuable asset for a growing number of careers in business, industry, and government service.
Marymount students wishing to continue language study or to study additional languages may do so through Marymount’s membership in the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area and in synchronous online language courses offered by the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC). Information on scheduling and registering for courses offered by consortium and VFIC members is available from the Office of the Registrar at Marymount. See Students Enrolling at Consortium Institutions section for further information concerning consortium and VFIC guidelines.