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Categories of Academic Standing

At Marymount, there are three categories of academic standing for undergraduate students: good standing, academic warning, and academic probation.

Good Standing: Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA is at 2.0 or higher are in good standing.

Academic Warning: Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for the first time in their academic career will earn a designation of academic warning for the semester in which the GPA dropped. The subsequent semester is considered an intervention semester in which students will be required to complete an academic strategies course, specifically SEM 101 at Marymount University, which is designed to help them achieve good standing. A minimum grade of C is required for successful course completion. Failure to earn the minimum grade requirement will result in students repeating the course in the following semester. If students fail to enroll in the course or drop/withdraw from the course at any point during the semester (with the exception of a full withdrawal from the semester due to Continuous Registration or an approved medical withdrawal), they will be withdrawn from the university. At the end of this warning intervention semester, if students earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, they are considered to be in good academic standing. If they do not earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, they earn a designation of academic probation.

Academic Probation: Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 and who have already been on academic warning at any point in their academic career will earn a designation of academic probation for the semester in which the GPA dropped. The subsequent semester is considered an intervention semester in which students will be required to complete an academic strategies course, specifically SEM 102 at Marymount University, which is designed to help them achieve good standing. If students fail to enroll in the course or drop/withdraw from the course at any point during the semester (with the exception of a full withdrawal from the semester due to Continuous Registration or an approved medical withdrawal), they will be withdrawn from the university. At the end of this probation intervention semester, if students earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, they are considered to be in good academic standing. If they do not earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, the assistant vice president for student success will review their progress and determine whether or not to issue an additional intervention semester or issue a dismissal.

Continuous Registration: A student facing academic warning or probation may elect to take leave for a fall or spring semester to address factors that prevent academic success. The student will return on academic warning or probation. Students planning to take leave must drop their courses and submit a request for Continuous Registration to their associate dean by the end of the first week of classes to avoid financial obligations.

Dismissal: Students are eligible for dismissal from the university if their cumulative GPA after a probation intervention semester is below a 2.0. There is no appeal of dismissal, but a dismissal may be reversed if and when a grade change(s) raises the cumulative GPA to a 2.0. Students who have been dismissed can only return to the university through the readmission process.