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Transferring Credit after Entry

After entry, a student may transfer to Marymount University no more than four courses (up to 16 credits) from another institution. These courses are in addition to any courses taken through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC), and Marymount’s Global Education.

The following rules govern transfer credits after entry:

  • Such credits are counted as part of the maximum transfer credits that may be counted toward a Marymount degree. See Transferring Credit at Entry for these limits.
  • Courses must be reviewed by the appropriate school director for application toward degree requirements.
  • Written approval must be obtained from the student's associate dean prior to taking courses for transfer back to Marymount. Forms for this purpose are available in each school office and in the Office of the Registrar.
  • If a student is approved to transfer a course from a member of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, the course cannot be changed to consortium credit after the consortium registration deadline.
  • Courses approved for transfer must be completed with a grade of C or better and may not be taken pass/fail.
  • A final official transcript must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
  • While students may take a course outside of Marymount during their final semester, doing so may delay their graduation.
  • Students transferring credits from another institution in the semester in which they apply to graduate must submit final official transcripts to the Office of the Registrar no later than 30 days after degrees are conferred for that semester.
  • Courses transferred after entry do not count toward the residency requirement.
  • Grades earned in courses transferred after entry do not count in the student’s cumulative grade point average.
  • Grades earned in courses transferred after entry cannot replace grades earned in the equivalent Marymount University course.
  • Students who are approved to take courses at another institution while on continuous registration are subject to Marymount’s post-matriculation transfer credit limits.
  • International students wishing to take courses at another institution must consult International Student & Scholar Services to complete steps required for maintaining their immigration record.