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Classroom Code of Conduct

Marymount University expects all members of the community to be active participants who learn from others and contribute, in turn, to the learning of others. Therefore, all members of the community agree to work together in every academic activity to create an educational environment of responsibility, cooperation, respect, and civility.

To create such an environment, all members should contribute to the learning environment by arriving on time and not leaving until dismissed. Repeatedly arriving late or departing early is not acceptable. Students who must arrive late or leave early from an individual class should notify the instructor before the scheduled class and should enter and/or leave class with minimal disruption.

During class, all electronic devices — pagers, cell phones, players, and computers — should be shut off unless required in a class activity. Those whose work or family obligations require them to remain in contact should inform the instructor in advance and use the device’s least intrusive setting.

The classroom — both face-to-face and virtual — is a professional setting where appropriate behavior is expected. Every participant should focus on the educational activity and contribute to it. Electronic communication among participants should be conducted professionally. An instructor has the right to uphold these expectations through an attendance policy, a class participation grade, or another mechanism. A student whose behavior disrupts the educational environment can be asked to leave. Repeated and/or serious interruptions may be reported as violations of the Marymount University Student Community Conduct Code and investigated according to the code’s procedures.

This policy describes a minimum standard of expected classroom behavior, and individual professors and/or programs may have additional expectations regarding student behavior in class and consequences for failing to meet such expectations. It is the instructor’s responsibility to inform students of these expectations at the beginning of the semester and students' responsibility to adapt their behavior to specific instructors’ expectations.