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AI 680 AI Capstone Project: Domain Specific AI Application

The course requires students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills acquired in the program to develop a particular use-inspired AI application in a specific domain of their choice. Students work individually to define, design, develop, and demonstrate and complete the project with a full-time faculty member mentor of their choice. The results are demonstrated in an oral demonstration and presentation and communicated in a professional written paper. Students must achieve a minimum grade of B-. The course requires students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills acquired in the program to develop a particular use-inspired AI application in a specific domain of their choice. Students work individually to define, design, develop, and demonstrate and complete the project with a full-time faculty member mentor of their choice. The results are demonstrated in an oral demonstration and presentation and communicated in a professional written paper. Students must achieve a minimum grade of B-. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AI 551 with a minimum grade of B-. (3)